Skype Blocking Mikrotik
/ip fi ad add address= comment=disable_skype disabled=no list=skype_servers_z add address= comment=disable_skype disabled=no list=skype_servers_z add address= comment=disable_skype disabled=no list=skype_servers_z add address= comment=disable_skype disabled=no list=skype_servers_z add address= comment=disable_skype disabled=no list=skype_servers_z add address= comment=disable_skype disabled=no list=skype_servers_z add address= comment=disable_skype disabled=no list=skype_servers_z add address= comment=disable_skype disabled=no list=skype_servers_z add address= comment=disable_skype disabled=no list=skype_servers_z add address= comment=disable_skype disabled=no list=skype_servers_z add address= comment=disable_skype disabled=no list=skype_servers_z add address= comment=disable_skype disabled=no list=skype_servers_z /ip firewall filter add action=drop chain=forward disabled=no dst-address-list=skype_servers_z |
After blocking, Result as showed in the image below . . .
Script to catch all URL name with SKYPE name using DNS cache , and add them to ADDRESS LIST
Today , a very good friend (VirtualIT SupporT) shared a script which catches all URL IP addresses which have ‘Skype‘ in DNS CACHE and then add it to a address list. Schedule this script to run after every 10-15 minutes, it will check every dns entry (in dns cache) and will add any URL name which have Skype in it to the address list. then using Firewall FILTER , you can block this list (in FORWARD chain)
Just copy paste the following code in terminal. Then add schedule or manually run it, try to login to skype few times, and run the script, every time it will add few ip addresses to the list : )
/sys script add name=skype_script policy=ftp,reboot,read,write,policy,test,winbox,password,sniff,sensitive,api source=":foreach i in=[/ip dns cache find] do={\r\ \n :local bNew \"true\";\r\ \n :local cacheName [/ip dns cache all get \$i name] ;\r\ \n# :put \$cacheName;\r\ \n\r\ \n :if ([:find \$cacheName \"skype\"] != 0) do={\r\ \n\r\ \n :local tmpAddress [/ip dns cache get \$i address] ;\r\ \n#\t:put \$tmpAddress;\r\ \n\r\ \n# if address list is empty do not check\r\ \n :if ( [/ip firewall address-list find ] = \"\") do={\r\ \n :log info (\"added entry: \$[/ip dns cache get \$i name] IP \$tmpAddress\");\r\ \n /ip firewall address-list add address=\$tmpAddress list=skype_dns_ips comment=\$cacheName;\r\ \n } else={\r\ \n :foreach j in=[/ip firewall address-list find ] do={\r\ \n :if ( [/ip firewall address-list get \$j address] = \$tmpAddress ) do={\r\ \n :set bNew \"false\";\r\ \n }\r\ \n }\r\ \n :if ( \$bNew = \"true\" ) do={\r\ \n :log info (\"added entry: \$[/ip dns cache get \$i name] IP \$tmpAddress\");\r\ \n /ip firewall address-list add address=\$tmpAddress list=skype_dns_ips comment=\$cacheName;\r\ \n }\r\ \n }\r\ \n }\r\ \n}" |
Hello friend! Its really works! I was breaking my head to find a solution to block that shit in my network!